The Libraesva Email Security Gateway exposes a set of Application Programming Interface.
APIs are always available, the list of all available APIs can be found inside ESG at path /api/v2/ after authentication.
You can interact with APIs directly from the documentation page by authenticating with the “Authorize” button at the top right of the page, this authentication requires a valid API Token.
To generate an API Token a login must be performed on the /api/v2/login endpoint which will return a valid API Token that can be user do perform other API calls.
The API Token generated will inherit the permission of the User specified to perform the authentication on the /login endpoint if it’s a normal User (present in the “User Management -> Users” table).
To perform an API call after the login you must pass the API Token in the “X-ESG-Auth-Token“.
If the authentication is performed with an API User (“User Management -> API Users”), after the initial /login to generate the API Token you have to specify a ESG User to impersonate with the “X-Switch-User” header.
In this Header you must specify the username of the ESG User to impersonate, the API User performing the call inherits the permission of the specified user for this API call. Not specifying a user will result in a 403 error, the API User has no permission by default and can only perform the /login call.
Below you can see the headers that must be populated when you press the “Authorize” button to perform API calls directly from inside ESG.