How is calculated the Quota Counter on messages? I see decimal values on counters tracking message count, how is it possible?
The counter is incremented as follows, as a new message is tracked:
1. Read actual Counter value from DB
2. ElapsedTime = Now – LastUpdate
3. IF ElapsedTime > Period (the one defined for the quota rule) THEN CurrentCounter = 0 ELSE CurrentCounter = ( 1 – (ElapsedTime / Period) ) * Counter
4. Delta = CurrentCounter – Counter
5. Increment CurrentCounter
6. IF CurrentCounter > Limit THEN
7. DBValue += Delta (+1)
Consider the following example, starting from a DB Counter of 8 with a time frame of 300 sec :
Counter = 8
ElapsedTime = 13:29:57 – 13:26:22 = 215
CurrentCounter = ( 1 – (215 / 300) ) * 8 = 2.27
Delta = 2.27 – 8 = -5.73
* * allow mail …. CurrentCounter (+1) < Limit * *
DBValue += -5.73 (+1) = 3.27