File Size1136M
File MD51052e7092e5bd0bce340e2c2b985ca94
File SHA25676573851a202d1f3a94ee20a364237fbcae541409777ac5c0f45b4b4b1383ab2
Create DateJuly 9, 2024
Last UpdatedOctober 4, 2024

Libraesva Email Security Gateway for v5.3 VMware OVA version 6.7 and above

We are excited to announce the release of our leading email security suite Libraesva ESG version 5.3!

30 days FREE demo license available with simple online request.

Main Features

  • Distributed cluster setup
  • Threat remediation: automatic recall of 0-hour threat
  • Domain summary page DNS enhancement
  • Centralized apply settings
  • Encryption at rest
  • MTA Strict Transport Security (STS)
  • Allow one-time setup of trial domain

Full release notes and breaking changes

Read the full Release Notes of Libraesva ESG v5.3

Migration from ESG 4.9

It's possible to migrate all settings from an existing application or cluster. Follow our Libraesva ESG 4.9.x to Libraesva ESG 5.x: Migration guide.

NOTE: Migrating from ESG 4.x carries some limitation and breaking changes, especially for API and distributed setup. Please, review the "Breaking Changes" for all version from 4.9 to version 5.3


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