Libraesva ESG v4.3 to v4.4 Upgrade

Libra Esva 4300 to 4400 Upgrade 64
File Size3.7Mb
File MD5c92f4d98c6c9381c72fe34fd16403756
File SHA2569e72fd565a68a52d5cda7f171b7bd0405cb500d236e11db4fade52847afdc6e3
Create DateJune 13, 2018
Last UpdatedJuly 28, 2022

Libra Esva 4.4

New Features / Changes

  • End-to-End Mail Encryption with portal
  • Dynamic Verification versus a different server support (Exchange 2013-2016 support)
  • QuickSand: Dry Run mode
  • QuickSand: exclusion based also on filetype
  • QuickSand: scan also files already flagged as virus
  • QuickSand: option not to add attachment warning for PDF uri disarm
  • QuickSand: log more information about file blocked and disarmed
  • UrlSand: Advanced Setting to allow skipping sandbox or stripping signature from digitally signed emails
  • UrlSand: Information about if the message contains rewritten links available on Message Details
  • SMTP Policy Quota: Live Reports on separate window with search feature
  • Message Details: add to whitelist and blacklist, allow default
  • Block "Installer" filetypes by default
  • New filters available for Reports
  • Distributed Search UI Layout and Menu
  • Message Release: immediate feedback about the reason why the message was blocked, if due to local settings

BUG Fixes

  • ClamAV may die in big instances due to ulimit for open files
  • TNEF Support Improvements
  • Cluster Wizard password validation
  • Broken Message Listing Fix
  • Login page redirect
  • BitDefender Service crashes restart
  • QuickSand: zero byte attachment marked as suspicious fix
  • SMTP Reject: improved maillog parsing to reflect correct reason
  • Mail Queue visualization temporary messages exclusion
  • Email Alias "Active" setting fix
  • Flooding of mail "Libra Esva Cluster Alert" after cluster destroy
  • Double and erroneous delivery information details fixed
  • Cluster Dashboard Mysql Error Fix
  • Orphan auth_token fix
  • Message Operation Export button restored


NOTE: This upgrade  takes less than 2 minutes to complete and requires a system restart. A Snapshot is always recommended as a best practice!
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